The “MMT is not new or original” myth

What’s new in MMT

  • Taxes and issuances of securities are not a source of funds for government spending
  • Deficit financing” is not an appropriate terminology
  • Government spending proposals should not be scored and voted on based on their impact on the public debt
  • Changes the way of thinking about government budgeting procedures

MMT Builds upon:

  • Jurist Julius Paulus Prudentissimus in Roman times when he noted “the importance of public authority backing money and the fact that the value of money does not
    depend on its substance”
  • The US colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries
  • The macroeconomic work of Abba Lerner and Beardsly Ruml in the 1940s
  • The credit theory of money, developed by Alfred Mitchell Innes in the 1910s and Thomas Smith in the 1830s
  • The monetary experiments and observations of economists and politicians all the way back to Adam Smith and Jean Baptiste Say

MMT embraces:

MMT rejects:

From: Seven Replies to the Critiques of Modern Money Theory

See also

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